What You Should Know During an Emergency?

Emergencies are some of the most nervous moments in our lives. And when it comes to health emergencies, such situations are even worrisome. Sometimes emergencies can be avoided, but when they do happen, they just find a way of exposing our adamance about preparing for emergencies. Some people are really scared of blood and flesh wounds. Others are traumatized by someone in pain. Yet still, when health emergencies happen and we are the only people around, we must react in one way or another. We need to take a step to have knowledge about emergencies and how to react through online CPR first aid certification. The emergency action plan can prepare you to deal with caution and care.  

How you respond to a person in a health emergency can be the only difference between life and death. You may have a sick person around, so it is important to know how to do emergency procedures. Even healthy people encounter events that may endanger their lives and need immediate medical attention. Incidences like accidents, fires or an existing medical condition can threaten life. 

Being equipped with first aid skills can be rewarding in the long run. You can join online CPR first aid certification programs and become a certified assistant during health emergencies.

When a health emergency occurs, keep in mind the following:

You Must Respond Immediately

This response phase may be the only thing that could save someone. Do not waste any time because the victim is fighting for their life. The first important thing to do is to assess the scene and the victim. If the scene is safe, establish the cause of the emergency and the number of victims for instance during a fire breakout. Next step, call 911. Give the dispatcher as many details as possible, including the incident location, what happened, number of victims and their conditions and inquire any recommendable first aid. Do not chatter.

Then immediately give first aid to the victims. Open their airways and check for breathing and pulse.

Performing CPR is Important

Cardiovascular Resuscitation is an emergency procedure to manually aid an unconscious person to pump the heart and to keep blood flowing until they can breathe on their own again. There are various reasons that a person can become unconscious including lack of blood flow to the brain, cardiac arrest, low blood sugar, head injury, concussion or dehydration. Evaluate the victim’s conditions before performing chest compressions. Lay them on the ground and tilt their chins to open their airways. 

You can give the victim rescue breaths. Pinch the victim’s nose closed tightly and deliver two full breaths to the person. Check to see if the chest will rise. If not, the victim’s airways may be blocked. Position the head correctly and perform the procedure again, but give only one full breath. If this does not work, resort to abdominal compressions.

To do proper chest compressions, place your open palms on the victim’s abdomen, near the lower part where their breastbone and ribs join. Keep your arms straight and apply your upper body weight during compression. Administer fifteen compressions together with two full breaths each complete cycle, and check for the pulse again. Perform these cycles at one-minute intervals.

Do not stop unless the ambulance arrives, the victim starts breathing normally again, the scene becomes unsafe or you become physically exhausted. You can ask other bystanders to help you perform CPR. If the victim starts breathing before the ambulance arrives, be ready to do CPR again in case they stop breathing again.

Performing Abdominal Thrusts

This procedure is mostly done to people who are choking. The choking victim may be conscious or unconscious. Begin abdominal thrusts only when the airways are completely blocked, but if the can still breathe and speak, encourage them to cough continuously. Stand and position yourself behind the victim and wrap your arms around them. Use one hand to make a fist and grab it with the other hand, just below the rib cage. Give quick, inward and upward thrusts until the object comes out.

If the victim is unconscious, call trained medical staff before attempting to help him. Lay the victim on their back, straddle them and use the heel of your hand above the navel on the middle of the abdomen. Give quick pushes towards the head. Check the victim’s mouth for the object after five thrusts or continue until help arrives.

Have Your Emergency Plan

Having an elaborate emergency action plan must include preventing the likelihood of creating any emergency situations by wearing safety belts, eating a balanced diet, never drive while drunk and wearing protective gear. Prepare for emergencies by keeping a well-stocked first aid kit, post emergency numbers near your phone, keep emergency information at hand and attend first aid and CPR classes. Recognize emergencies like unconsciousness, trauma, spinal injuries. Make a decision to act because time is crucial in emergencies.