Tshisa, a striking South African dramatization series created by SABC 1 and Moja Movie Factory, has been around for a long time. The introduction of the primary season circulated at 21:00 on September 21, 2006, on SABC1. At long last, Season 3 reached a conclusion in 2012 with its decision.
Bafana (played by Bongani Masondo) and Ayanda (played by Zukisa Matola) enter a moderator search contest and co-facilitate it if you haven’t seen the series yet.
In the meantime, Ayanda’s mom’s vision has weakened, so she works persistently to track down an answer for her mom’s condition. Ayanda blooms into a model, while Bafana’s profession at long last picks up speed.
Thabo “Baksteen” Lerole, who experienced childhood in the municipality shacks, meets Bafana, who hails from suburbia. They structure a team and record music together.
They are presented with substances like cocaine, champion, and break because of their requirement for marvelousness and excitement. When they get stirred up with some unacceptable group, Bafana is shot toward the rear of the head and is left paraplegic.
This is an account of the effect of our decisions on individuals we care about, particularly when medications are involved.
Life decisions, big names, the allure of showy garments, chronic drug use, beating physical and mental difficulties, and family and social ties all assume a part in Tshisa.
Following ten years and a half, this is what the cast resembles now: