Pears Nutrition Facts

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About Pears – The Gift Of The Gods. The pear has a soft buttery texture with a hint of graininess and is succulent and sweet to taste. With such a winning combination of flavor and textures, it comes as no surprise that this aromatic fruit was once referred to as ‘The Gift of the gods’.  Many varieties of pears are widely available throughout the year even though the official pear season spans from August to October.

Pears are available in a beautiful gamut of colors including refreshing tones of green, mellow shades of yellow and streaks of rustic red.  The pear’s striking paper-thin skin is wholly edible! Peeling it off will deprive you of a great source of dietary fiber. Like the apple, the pear also features a hard central core generously peppered with small seeds.

While pear varieties number in the thousands, the most commonly available pears are the Bosc, Bartlett, Anjou, Comice, Conference, Passe Crassane and Packham. Though the basic shape of all these types of pears is similar, the size, color, and variations in taste are what set them apart.

Pears Nutritional Information

Pears are a rich source of dietary fiber and vitamins. It is recommended that you consume the pear along with the peel so as to glean maximum health benefits from this delicious fruit. 

A medium-sized pear, about 178 grams, contains an astonishing 22% of dietary fiber. This high fiber content justifies the pear’s popularity as the fruit that helps to prevent problems in the body’s digestive system.

Pears also contain high quantities of numerous Vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C (12.4%), the highly coveted Vitamin K (10%) and copper. These nutrients keep the body strong and immune to damaging diseases!

Health Benefits Of Pears

Let’s take a look at how the vitamin and mineral content of the pear benefits your body!

Powerhouse of Antioxidants!

Vitamin C and copper are widely recognized as powerful antioxidants that put a stop to the damaging free-radical activity in the body. Did you know that Vitamin C is a water soluble substance? How does that make a difference to your health? Well, this characteristic enables vitamin C to boost antioxidant activity in all the water-soluble areas of the body. This enhances the overall immune response of the body to bacterial and viral agents!

Copper is an essential component of a compound known as superoxide dismutase.  This compound vanquishes superoxide radicals that, if allowed to prosper unchecked, can seriously damage the membranes of the body’s cells.

Excellent Source of Fiber!

Pears contain a generous store of dietary fiber that enhances the functioning of the digestive system and promotes smooth and regular bowel movements. This not only relieves those suffering from chronic cases of constipation, but in fact prevents constipation in the first place.

But that’s not all! Fiber has been linked to lower cholesterol levels. This means that people who are vulnerable to or suffering from atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease can garner immense benefits from adding pears to their diet plan.


The pear’s rich store of fiber also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Fiber attaches itself to potential cancer causing agents and prevents them from destroying the healthy cells in the colon. Additionally, pears have been found to contain substances that reduce the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in women!

Good for your baby!

Looking for a safe food item to feed to your precious little bundle of joy? Healthcare practitioners readily endorse the pear’s hypo-allergenic properties. These properties prevent adverse reactions within the body after consumption. Thus, the pear is classified as a safe and wholesome fruit that you can feed to your baby without the fear of any unpleasant effects!

Possible Ways To Enjoy The Pear

Pears are naturally juicy and moist, and hence are best consumed fresh! Hosting a dinner party and want to add a few nutritious treats to the menu? Slice and toss fresh, juicy pears along with your favorite fruits, into a bowl of refreshing pear salad. Pears can also be poached in apple juice or wine, or paired with exotic bleu cheese to add that perfect finishing touch to an appetizing dinner or lunch.

Possible Health Concerns

Pears have no documented health risks. In fact they are not even listed in the Environmental Working Group’s list of pesticide infected fruits!