Big Brother is a reality television show where a group of people, known as “housemates,” live together in a specially constructed house for several weeks or months. They are completely cut off from the outside world and are constantly monitored by cameras and microphones.
The show is named after the character in George Orwell’s novel “1984,” which depicts a dystopian society where the government has complete control over the lives of its citizens. Similarly, the housemates in Big Brother are subject to the rules and decisions of “Big Brother,” the show’s producers who manipulate the contestants and create challenges and tasks for them to complete.
Throughout the season, the housemates must compete in challenges and nominate each other for eviction. The viewers then vote on who they want to leave the house, and the housemate with the most votes is evicted. This process continues until only a few housemates are gone, and a public vote ultimately decides the winner.
Big Brother has been adapted for numerous countries worldwide and has become a global phenomenon. The show has faced controversy over issues such as the invasion of privacy and the psychological effects on the contestants.
Lexi and Mandla on Big brother
Lexi van Niekerk and Mandla Hlatshwayo were housemates on the seventh season of Big Brother Africa, which aired in 2012. The season was titled “Big Brother Africa: StarGame” and featured contestants from various African countries and a few international participants.
Lexi, a South African model and actress, and Mandla, a South African bartender, and musician, quickly became one of the most talked-about couples in the house. They began a romantic relationship early on in the season and were often seen cuddling and kissing on camera.
However, their relationship faced challenges as Mandla was also attracted to another housemate, a Kenyan woman named Huddah. This led to some tension between Lexi and Mandla, but they eventually reconciled and continued their relationship.
Lexi and Mandla’s romance was a major storyline of the season, and their fans even gave them a nickname, “MandLexi.” They continued to date after the season ended and appeared on various television shows and events together. However, they eventually split up in 2015, citing the pressures of fame and the public scrutiny of their relationship as the cause of their breakup.