Celebrities that have tattoos with surprising meanings

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Angelina Jolie

Many people would wonder why Angelina Jolie had Roman numerals inscribed on her arms. What does the significance of the coded numbers mean? Angelina Jolie went ahead and did it anyhow.

The Roman numbers “XIII V MCMXL” on her forearm, she claims, are in remembrance of a speech written by Winston Churchill.

The Roman numerals stand for 13/5/1940, according to historical investigations. On this date, Winston Churchill delivered a speech in which he stated, “I have nothing to contribute but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”

Angelina has the phrases “toil” and “tears” on the inside of her arms, in addition to the Roman numerals on her forearms.

Ariana Grande is an American singer and songwriter.

Ariana Grande sports a bee tattoo on her neck. This is a one-of-a-kind tattoo that few people would consider worthwhile. She chose it, though, because it was a tribute to those who had died during her concert in 2017.

More specifically, it appears that “bees” are a historical symbol in Manchester.

That’s all there is to it. There are several tattoos for various causes. And anybody who decides to get one understands why they want one, what it stands for, and what it means to them. It’s not something I’d advocate, but it’s a personal choice.