7 Types Of Synthetic Grass To Uplift The Visual Curb Of The House

Grass To Uplift The Visual Curb Of The House
Grass To Uplift The Visual Curb Of The House

Artificial grass is more common these days than real grass. It looks exactly like the real one but it’s not. People are now using artificial grass more because of various deficits they face in terms of water, energy etc. For example, places having low water level restrict watering the lawns of course. Therefore, they would rather use artificial grass than have withered real grass.

You can purchase this grass from any artificial turf grass store easily. There are many types of turf grass. You can pick the one you want according to their rates and material. There are more pros of artificial grass than cons. Let us look at a few pros before we commence with its types. Firstly, you do not need to water it or use any power source to upkeep it. No mowing, no cutting, nothing is required. Secondly, they do not require any time or effort to be maintained. You do not have to be worried about the grass overgrowing or wilting. Artificial grass will remain fresh as new.

Here is a list of various types of synthetic grass that can be used to ornament the curb of your house.

1- Artificial Turf:

Artificial turf is a type of turf grass that is made entirely from synthetic fibers. It is made to look like real, natural grass. While turf grass was formerly only used for areas such as sports arenas, it is now being used for commercial and residential lawns as well. Artificial turf stands up to heavy use, requires no trimming or mowing, and needs no irrigation. Artificial turf does however have a limited life and does require cleaning regularly.

2- Centipedegrass:

Centipedegrass tends to do best in different climates of different areas. It is a relatively low maintenance turf due to its tolerance of high temperature and its need for little water.

Centipedegrass can be identified by its flattened, compressed sheaths, and leaves that are rolled into the bud. Centidepedegrass blades are generally less than one quarter inch wide and feature a strong vein.

3- Bahiagrass:

It is considered a warm season type of turf grass with a finer texture than other similar types. The blades of bahiagrass turf are folded or flat, and are generally more than one quarter inch wide. Bahiagrass does not do very well in soil with a high ph.

4- Kentucky Bluegrass:

It is considered a cool season turf that was originally native to parts of Europe. Due to the fact that Kentucky bluegrass is a sod-forming, perennial grass, it is a great choice for many lawns. This turf is also tolerant of cold temperatures and is less commonly found in very warm climates. Kentucky bluegrass can be identified by its folded leaves and blades that are less than one eighth inch wide. The blades tend to have a dark green color with a boat shaped tip.

5- Perennial Ryegrass:

It is generally less common in southern parts of the country. It is considered a cool season grass and does well in areas with moderate temperatures. Perennial ryegrass is great due to its tolerance of foot traffic and its resistance to pests. This type of turf can be identified by blades that are shiny and smooth on the underside and are one eighth to one quarter inch wide. Perennial ryegrass is not very tolerant of cold temperatures and extremely dry, hot weather.

6- Creeping Bentgrass:

The artificial turf grass store in Los Angeles CA provides its customers with all the trendiest and suitable kinds of artificial turf grass. With proper maintenance, creeping bentgrass can stay alive in many parts. It is however considered a high maintenance turf. Creeping bentgrass has a dense, shallow root system. It is generally used for tennis and golf courts.

This type of turf is not recommended for lawn use and requires specialized equipment for proper care. These kinds of grass are available at all synthetic grass outlets. You can go pick the one you need according to your use.

7- Tall Fescue:

It is a cool season grass that is durable and well suited to completely sunny or partially shaded lawns. Tall fescue is known for being tolerant to drought, heat, and lots of traffic. This type of turf features strongly veined, flat blades of grass that are pointy at the tip. Tall fescue requires lots of water and is not very tolerant of cold weather.

Author: Justin’s is an experienced house improvement contractor, and has been in this business for more than a decade. He is very enthusiastic about his work and keeps himself updated by the latest home improvement trend.