The skin is one of the largest organs of your body. Being on the protective layer is the most exposed to various conditions. Some of the terms can damage the skin’s appearance, which makes a facial rejuvenation useful in reviving the look of your skin and keeping it healthy. Other benefits of this procedure are the improvement of crinkles, wrinkles, and scarring. It also reduces hyperpigmentation.
Facial rejuvenation is a medical procedure of making your face look younger. What makes most people opt for this cosmetic treatment is because it doesn’t cause severe side effects and is highly reliable. Today, we look at six significant precautions to take after facial rejuvenation surgery to get the best results. Keep reading to find out.
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1. Do Not Use Cosmetics After Surgery
Most people use a variety of cosmetic products to help them achieve different things from removing wrinkles to look younger. However, after getting a facial rejuvenation surgery, the doctor might advise you to stop using them. Using cosmetics after the operation can lead to complications or even interfere with the results.
Furthermore, avoiding cosmetics after surgery helps prevent facial skin from getting infections or allergies. Try to keep your face clean all the time to ensure there are no substances that might tamper with a healthy recovery. Washing the face with meditated water also helps the skin to stay fresh and put you at a higher chance of getting maximum results.
2. Stay Indoors
Staying outdoors can seem fun and beneficial, especially when you want to bask in the sun. However, after getting a facial rejuvenation surgery, your skin becomes extra sensitive. If you must go outside, then don’t overstay. Exposing your face directly to the sun after the procedure can interfere with treatment. The sun rays tamper with the surgical stitches hence making the process less successful.
Applying sunscreen before going out is not enough measures to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. You can use ointment and antibiotics, which helps to protect the skin once the doctor removes the sutures.
3. Eat A Balanced Diet

Having a facial surgery is something you should take very seriously as it needs you to be healthy the whole time. For you to recover properly after the surgery, you need to follow a balanced diet.
Using antibiotics can cause some gastric problems. So, ensure your daily diet contains light food, toned milk, and enough fruits. Sometimes, most people experience difficulties in eating enough or anything at all after facial surgery. During such times you can follow a liquid diet as it is easily digestible and will help you avoid hunger, which is not suitable for fast recovery.
Also, avoid smoking and drinking before healing properly or without consulting your doctor. It will ensure that you don’t interfere with treatment and the functioning of antibiotics.
4. Avoid Using Supplements and Medicines

Avoiding supplements is vital after facial surgery, as they can interfere with the proper functioning of antibiotics. Also, taking supplements, especially without the doctor’s consent can cause some severe side effects hence tampering with treatment and results.
You must also avoid taking other medications as they affect blood clotting. As a result, healing becomes slow. You should ensure that your immunity system is stable before going through surgery. That way, you can be sure that you will recover quickly and faster by following all the instructions the doctor gives you.
5. Use Aloe Vera Juice only with Doctor’s prescription

Aloe Vera is one of the natural substances that most people around the world use to benefit from its medicinal value. Helping with successful healing after facial surgery is among the significant applications of Aloe Vera juice.
Using Aloe Vera juice will help you heal broken cells and also improve skin’s quality. The juice enables you to restore the skin glow that you might have lost during surgery hence making it essential during recovery. However, only use it if the doctor prescribes to avoid it interfering with your medications.
6. Avoid Peeling Off the Skin
After going through facial surgery, you might feel the temptation to pick at the peeling scabs or skin when you start seeing results of the procedure. Doctors discourage that behaviour as it can affect the healing process of the skin by slowing it down. Also, peeling the skin before the right time can cause scarring or even infections. This is why you must avoid this behaviour to increase the chances of getting better results from your facial rejuvenation surgery and for faster recovery.
Deciding to have a facial rejuvenation surgery is an essential step as it enables you to achieve your objectives. However, you must get it done from a professional such as Louis DeJoseph, Atlanta facelift specialist, to ensure you get the best results. This quick guide provides you with some of the useful precautions that you should observe to enjoy maximum results. Make sure you follow all of them and the outcome of your facial will be fantastic.